Environmental Protection

1.Life sewage purification equipment (MBR membrane biological treatment equipment)

Decompose bod (biochemical oxygen demand) and COD (chemical oxygen demand) components by microorganisms, and achieve solid-liquid separation, removal of suspended matter and coliform bacteria and other substances through the MBR membrane.

2.VOCs treatment equipment (catalytic combustion + activated carbon adsorption).

The apparatus can process high / low concentration VOCs.

The high concentration VOCs oxidizes and decomposes and purifies odorous substances (glue and solvent volatile components) by heating the exhaust gas with a highly efficient burner.

The low concentration VOCs adsorbs the exhaust gas with activated carbon after decomposing and oxidizing with UV ultraviolet rays through the filter.

3.VOCs online monitoring equipment (non-methane hydrocarbon monitoring)

Separates atmospheric hydrocarbons into methane and non-methane hydrocarbons by gas chromatography and pass them to a hydrogen flame ion detector (FID), automatically measures and records the concentrations of methane and non-methane hydrocarbons.